Precautions Before Examination

Stop wearing the contact lenses as follows(time includes examination day)

  • Soft lens : 4 days
  • Soft lens for astigmatism : 6 days
  • Hard(RGP) lens : 10 days
  • Ortho-K lens : 1 month

Driving is prohibited.

  • The retinal examination will cause 3~4 hours of blurred vision so driving after the eye exam is prohibited.

Do not undergo any vision correction examination or surgery during pregnancy.

  • Exams may interfere with a pregnant persons hormones so it is therefore recommended to only consult three months after giving birth.

Notify us of any medical conditions.

  • In case of any eye diseases, examination or surgery is not permissible.

Precautions Before Surgery

Stop wearing the contact lenses as follows(time includes examination day)

  • Soft lens : 4 days
  • Soft lens for astigmatism : 6 days
  • Hard(RGP) lens : 10 days
  • Ortho-K lens : 1 month

Three days prior to surgery

  • Please perm or dye your hair three days before surgery if needed.

One day prior to surgery

  • Please get enough rest and avoid heavy drinking to control your condition.
  • Also, please take a shower in advance. You can take a shower after postoperative check-up.

The day of surgery

  • Please do not use perfume on the day of surgery since the laser is sensitive to fragrance. Also, please do not use any makeup(including BB cream or sunscreen). We have a cleansing room and supplies for you to wash your face in case you come in with makeup.

Come with your guardian.

  • It might be slightly disorientating. Therefore, driving after surgery is strictly prohibited.
  • Also, please bring your sunglasses since your eyes will be very sensitive to UV rays after surgery.

Precautions After SMILE Surgery

The postoperative care is just as important as the surgery.

  • Do not rub or put pressure on your eye at all costs on the day of surgery.
  • To prevent eye strain and ensure a speedy recovery, avoid all screens – TVs, smartphones, tables, computers, e-readers – and any activities like reading that require intensive use of your eyes on the day of surgery.
  • Use artificial tears as often as possible throughout the day, and blink frequently to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.
  • Wear sunglasses or a hat on bright days, and protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Pregnancy can begin one month after stopping all medications. If you become pregnant while using the medication, please contact us.

These are allowed to proceed.

  • From the next day of surgery after postoperative check-up : Books, TV, computer, public baths or sauna, face wash using soap or cleanser, skin makeup, skin care, eye makeup
  • 1 week post-op : Light exercise including jogging and stretching, swimming
  • 2 weeks post-op : Drinking alcohol, smoking
  • 1 month post-op : Strenuous exercise including boxing and ball game, hair perm, hair dyeing

Precautions After LASIK Surgery

The postoperative care is just as important as the surgery.

  • Do not rub or put pressure on your eye at all costs on the day of surgery.
  • To prevent eye strain and ensure a speedy recovery, avoid all screens – TVs, smartphones, tables, computers, e-readers – and any activities like reading that require intensive use of your eyes on the day of surgery.
  • Use artificial tears as often as possible throughout the day, and blink frequently to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.
  • Wear sunglasses or a hat on bright days, and protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Pregnancy can begin one month after stopping all medications. If you become pregnant while using the medication, please contact us.

These are allowed to proceed.

  • From the next day of surgery : Books, TV, computer
  • 2 days post-op : Face wash using soap or cleanser, skin care, skin makeup
  • 1 week post-op : Light exercise including jogging and stretching, eye makeup
  • 2 weeks post-op : Drinking alcohol, smoking, public baths or sauna, swimming
  • 1 month post-op : Strenuous exercise including boxing and ball game, hair perm, hair dyeing

Precautions After LASEK(PRK) Surgery

The postoperative care is just as important as the surgery.

  • Do not rub or put pressure on your eye at all costs on the day of surgery.
  • To prevent eye strain and ensure a speedy recovery, avoid all screens – TVs, smartphones, tables, computers, e-readers – and any activities like reading that require intensive use of your eyes on the day of surgery.
  • Use artificial tears as often as possible for 4 days following your surgery, and blink frequently to keep your eyes moist and comfortable. If the eye become dry, the bandage contact lenses may come off.
  • Wear sunglasses or a hat on bright days for at least 6 months, and protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Pregnancy can begin one month after stopping all medications. If you become pregnant while using the medication, please contact us.

These are allowed to proceed.

  • 5 days post-op(from the next day of lens removal) : Face wash using soap or cleanser, skin makeup
  • 1 week post-op : Light exercise including jogging and stretching
  • 2 weeks post-op : Drinking alcohol, smoking, eye makeup, public baths or sauna, swimming
  • 1 month post-op : Strenuous exercise including boxing and ball game, hair perm, hair dyeing

Precautions After PIOL Surgery

The postoperative care is just as important as the surgery.

  • Use artificial tears as often as possible throughout the day, and blink frequently to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.
  • Do not rub or put pressure on your eye at all costs for 2 weeks. Wear plastic eye shields when you sleep for 1 week to prevent rubbing your eyes.
  • If you shake your head vigorously or rub your eyes, complications such as displacement of the lens within the eye, intraocular bleeding and retinal detachment may occur.
  • Try not to bend from the waist to pick up objects on the floor as this can cause undue pressure to your eyes. Do not lift any heavy objects.
  • Pregnancy can begin one month after stopping all medications. If you become pregnant while using the medication, please contact us.

These are allowed to proceed.

  • 3 days post-op : Face wash using soap or cleanser, skin makeup, shampoo
  • 1 week post-op : Light exercise including jogging and stretching
  • 2 weeks post-op : Drinking alcohol, smoking, public baths or sauna, swimming
  • 1 month post-op : Strenuous exercise including boxing and ball game, hair perm, hair dyeing, eye makeup

Precautions After CATARACT Surgery

The postoperative care is just as important as the surgery.

  • Take it easy and get enough rest with eyes closed on the day of surgery to promote healing.
  • Sleep on your back not to contact with your eyes, and use a fluffy pillow to support your head and neck.
  • Use artificial tears as often as possible on the day of surgery, and blink frequently to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.
  • Do not rub or put pressure on your eye at all costs for 4 weeks. Wear plastic eye shields when you sleep for 1 week to prevent rubbing your eyes.
  • Do not shake your head vigorously or bend from the waist to pick up objects on the floor, as this can cause undue pressure to your eyes. Do not lift any heavy objects for 4 weeks.
  • Be careful not to bump into doors or any other objects when walking around after surgery.

These are allowed to proceed.

  • From the next day of surgery : Books, TV, computer
  • 1 week post-op : Face wash using soap or cleanser, showering, shampoo
  • 4 weeks post-op : Drinking alcohol(no heavy drinking for 2 months), smoking, swimming, hair perm or dyeing
  • 8 weeks post-op : Strenuous exercise including boxing and ball game, public baths or sauna
(+82) 10.6300.6727
Kakao, Line
Business Hours
Mon. - Fri.09:30 ~ 18:00
Sat.09:30 ~ 16:00
* We close on Sundays and public holidays.
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B2 GT Tower, 1317-23 Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea